What it does is create four folders namely:
- GoogleChrome
- MozillaFirefox
- Skypee
- Skype
and locked them so the worm no longer have access to those folders.
Folder used by worm with denied Full control |
Copy and paste the following to Notepad ans save as Immunize.bat
Change the Drive variable if you want to immunize your external/USB drives as well.
REM Replace Drive=*: with the appropriate drive letter
SET Drive=C:
ECHO Immunize against GoogleChrome, MozillaFirefox and Skype (AutoIt3 worms)
ECHO By WinXPert (7/09/2018)
ECHO https://www.facebook.com/groups/pinoytechrambo
ECHO https://www.facebook.com/groups/CTExperts.PH/
MD "%Drive%"\GoogleChrome"
ATTRIB +h +s /s /d ""%Drive%"\GoogleChrome"
icacls ""%Drive%"\GoogleChrome" /inheritance:r /deny "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(F)" "ANONYMOUS LOGON:(OI)(CI)(F)"
MD ""%Drive%"\MozillaFirefox"
ATTRIB +h +s /s /d ""%Drive%"\MozillaFirefox"
icacls ""%Drive%"\MozillaFirefox" /inheritance:r /deny "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(F)" "ANONYMOUS LOGON:(OI)(CI)(F)"
MD ""%Drive%"\Skypee"
ATTRIB +h +s /s /d ""%Drive%"\Skypee"
icacls ""%Drive%"\Skypee" /inheritance:r /deny "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(F)" "ANONYMOUS LOGON:(OI)(CI)(F)"
MD ""%Drive%"\Skype"
ATTRIB +h +s /s /d ""%Drive%"\Skype"
icacls ""%Drive%"\Skype" /inheritance:r /deny "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(F)" "ANONYMOUS LOGON:(OI)(CI)(F)"
Remember a byte of prevention is worth a megabyte of cure.
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The Information is provided on an "as is" basis. WinXPert
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To GOD be the glory!
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